What Is Home Warranty


Cut Down Your Winter Energy Bill

Winter energy bills can get cray. And the way to save some dough comes down to efficiency: efficiently keeping cold air out and warm air in. Here are a few tips and tools you can use now to improve your home’s winter energy efficiency and help lower your bill.

Seal Leaks Ensure that doors and windows are properly sealed to prevent drafts. Use weatherstripping or caulking to seal any gaps – drafts be gone!

Use Draft Stoppers Place draft stoppers along the bottom of doors to prevent cold air from entering and warm air from escaping. This is an oldie but goodie and it looks like 25k people really like these.

Adjust Thermostat Settings: Lower your thermostat when you’re away during the day or overnight. Even a few degrees can make a significant difference in energy consumption.

Use Ceiling Fans: Reverse the direction of ceiling fans to circulate warm air downward. This can help distribute heat more evenly and make your home feel warmer.

Close Curtains and Blinds: Keep curtains and blinds closed during the night to add an extra layer of insulation. Open them during the day to let sunlight in and naturally warm your home.

Regular HVAC and Furnace Maintenance: Schedule regular maintenance for your heating system. Btw, when was the last time you replaced the filter in your furnace? Here’s how.

Use Space Heaters Wisely: We like this one. Why pump up the heat in a whole house if you’re hanging out primarily in one or two rooms? You might consider using an energy efficient space heater to warm that specific area. Be sure to follow safety guidelines and turn it off when you leave the room.

Unplug Electronics: Even when turned off, electronics and chargers still draw power. Unplug them when not in use, or use smart power strips to easily cut power to multiple devices in one shot. This is the kind of thing that once you get in the groove of it, it becomes second nature.

Cook Efficiently: We like the idea of ‘less is more’ when possible. For example, using smaller appliances like slow cookers or toaster ovens, instead of the large oven is a more energy-efficient option.


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    Home Warranty plans cover the costs of repair or replacement of major appliances and systems like HVAC, refrigerators, dishwashers, washer/dryers and so much more.

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