Keeping food fresh for as long as possible isn’t just about saving money—it’s also about reducing waste and making sure your ingredients are fresh. Whether you’re trying to make your produce last longer or prevent pantry staples from spoiling, these food storage hacks will help you maximize your groceries’ lifespan!
Store Herbs Like Fresh Flowers Fresh herbs tend to wilt and get mealy quite quickly, but you can extend their life by treating them like flowers. Remove rubber band or twisty and trim the stems. Place them in a glass of water, covering the leaves loosely with a plastic bag. Store them in the fridge for leafy herbs like cilantro and parsley, or leave them on the counter for basil.
Use Vinegar to Extend Berry Freshness Mix one part white vinegar with three parts water and soak the berries for a minute. Rinse them thoroughly and dry them before storing in a paper towel-lined container.
Freeze Leftover Herbs in Oil If you have leftover herbs, chop them up and freeze them in an ice cube tray with olive oil. These flavorful cubes are perfect for sautéing vegetables or adding to soups and sauces. We love this one!
Keep Apples and Bananas Separate Apples and bananas release ethylene gas, which can ripen other fruits and vegetables faster. Store them separately to prevent premature spoilage. *Pro-tip* Separate your bunch of bananas to keep them from ripening too quickly!
Wrap Celery and Lettuce in Foil Celery and lettuce tend to go limp quickly, but wrapping them in aluminum foil helps maintain their crispness. This prevents excess moisture buildup while keeping them fresh.
Use a Paper Towel in Salad Greens Moisture is the enemy of fresh salad greens. The worst. Placing a paper towel in the container absorbs excess moisture, preventing sogginess and extending their shelf life.
Store Dairy in the Coldest Part of the Fridge Milk, cheese, and yogurt last longer when stored in the back of the fridge, towards the bottom shelves (hence, dairy drawers) rather than on the door, where temperatures fluctuate every time the fridge is opened.
Freeze Bread to Prevent Staleness If you don’t plan to eat an entire loaf within a few days, slice it up and freeze it. You can toast individual slices straight from the freezer whenever needed.
Keep Potatoes with Apples to Prevent Sprouting Apples release ethylene gas, which helps prevent potatoes from sprouting. Store them together in a cool, dark place for longer-lasting potatoes.
Use Mason Jars for Longer-Lasting Leftovers Instead of plastic containers, store leftovers in glass mason jars. They create an airtight seal, keeping food fresh longer and preventing odors from spreading in your fridge.
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